
Marina II

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Sailing and Motor-Sailing Yachts
Current state: Out of service 

Secondary photos (1): hide / show
365 KB

 Alter Ego   ·  Motor Yachts, (Montenegro)
 ROMA 10605 D   ·  Alalunga 85 Sport X

(вне водоёма)
Черногория, Бар
Нови булевар

August 16, 2018
Author: Казимирчик И

448 KB

 Alter Ego   ·  Motor Yachts, (Montenegro)
 Jордан Николов-Орце   ·  Раде Кончар, проект Vrbas type, Montenegrin Navy
 БМР22   ·  БШ21 type, Montenegrin Navy

Адриатическое море
Черногория, Бар

August 16, 2018
Author: Казимирчик И

Pictures displayed: 2 from 2

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