
Rafael El Mila

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Class:Special purpose vessels
Home Port:Santa Pola  
Board number:2ª-AT-2-1-02
Registry number:2AT2102
Call sign:EA8554
Current state: Operating 
Длина наибольшая: 15,3 м
GRT: 23,88

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Nuevo Puerto Santapola  ·  Trawlers, Santa Pola
Paquita La Pepeta  ·  Trawlers, Santa Pola
Guillo Perez  ·  Fishing vessels, Santa Pola
Tere La Mista  ·  Trawlers, Santa Pola
Estela Nova  ·  Trawlers, Santa Pola
 Hermanos Perez Tercero   ·  Fishing vessels, Santa Pola
 LS-AM-8   ·  Salvage vessels, Mahón
Golfo Artabro  ·  Pilot boats, (Spain)

Средиземное море
Испания, Санта-Пола
Порт де Санта-Пола

April 25, 2014
Author: kifir239

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