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Неопознанное судно - проект 1022-2
This is not a page for any specific vessel. Below are the photos of different vessels of the same design, which had not been identified (at least, by the name) when uploading. If you have information about any vessel on these photos, please leave a comment under it. |
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ДЖ-60 · Дебаркадеры (65 метров) type, design 33 (65 метров), Kasimov ГТ-402 · General cargo, Kasimov Буревестник · Ярославец (пр. 376 всех модификаций) type, Р-376У design, Kasimov КС-19 · КС-100А, КС-100АЛ, КС-100АС, КС-100АСР design, Kasimov Miscellaneous — Unidentified ships — РСФСР — Волжский / Камский / Московский бассейн
Река Ока Рязанская область, Касимов 409 км, Касимовский речной вокзал
about 1982 Author: Андрей Дунаев
Pictures displayed: 2 from 2