

Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Design:562, 562Д, 562ДУ, 328
Builder:Семипалатинский судостроительно-судоремонтный завод   Semipalatinsk
Yard number:112
Home Port:Omsk  
Registry:РКО (РРР до 2022)
Registry number:227827
Registry class:Р1,2
Current state: Operating 
Проект 562ДУ/213.

Years:  2011 · 2018

Secondary photos: hide / show
212 KB

ПС-1217  ·  562, 562Д, 562ДУ, 328 design, Omsk
ПС-1227  ·  260 design, Krasnoyarsk
 СТГБ-2019   ·  ОТ-2000 type, 428 design, Omsk
РТ-607  ·  РТ-600 type, 1741 design, Krasnoyarsk

Река Енисей, прк. Бурмакинские камни
Красноярский край

October 30, 2018
Author: tuhart

311 KB

 ПК-12-90   ·  КПЛ-16-30 type, 81050 design, Нижневартовск

Река Томь
Томская область, Томск

July 16, 2011
Author: Илья Плеханов

Pictures displayed: 2 from 2

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