Сергей Волков
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Design: | RSD59 |
Builder: | Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard PJSC Nizhny Novgorod |
Yard number: | 06030 |
Keel laid: | 28.06.2021 |
Launched: | 05.07.2022 |
Built: | 14.10.2022 |
Home Port: | Saint Petersburg  |
IMO: | 9942354 |
Registry: | РМРС |
Registry number: | 210146 |
Registry class: | KM(*) Ice2 (hull; machinery) R2 AUT1-ICS LI BWM(T) CONT(deck and cargo hold) DG(bulk) DG(pack) DE-Tier III A-Thruster(M) General dry cargo ship |
Call sign: | UBCX7 |
MMSI: | 273616400 |
Current state: | Operating |
Названо в честь Сергея Павлиновича Волкова (1927-2010) — главного судостроителя морских и речных судов на заводе «Красное Сормово, главного инженера Волговятглавснаба. |
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(вне водоёма) Нижегородская область, Нижний Новгород, Сормово АО "Красное Сормово"
November 24, 2021 Author: Teknomail
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