
Bayliner Ciera

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Table of vessels of type

Order by: Date of Built  ·  Place of Built  ·  Year and Place of Built  ·  Modification  ·  Last Name  ·  First Name  ·  Editor's order

DesignYard NrBuiltNameDatePort
Baylner Ciera Express 225251150(Israel)
Bayliner Ciera 2655514130(Russia)
-AA 0149 RUS 78Saint Petersburg
-AA 0410 RUS 78Saint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 2355AA 9493 RUS 77Moscow
Bayliner Ciera 2455AN 0120 RUS 78Saint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 2455AN 0155 RUS 78Saint Petersburg
-AN 0249 RUS 78Saint Petersburg
-AN 1025 RUS 78Saint Petersburg
-AV 0441 RUS 47Leningrad Oblast
Bayliner Ciera 2556BarraqudaМосковская область
-EA 0422 RUS 50Московская область
-EaumedSaint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 3055Elmi IVLippakaari
Bayliner Ciera 2455EvaМосковская область
Bayliner Ciera 2355FortunaLiepaja
Bayliner Ciera 2655IlyaМосковская область
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command BrideKA 0895 RUS 63Samarskya oblast
Bayliner Ciera 2355KlimTverskaya oblast
Bayliner Ciera 2655LaylaSaint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 2655LiluDuisburg
-MA 3357 RUS 50Московская область
Bayliner Ciera 2855MA 6127 RUS 50Московская область
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command BrideMilleniyaSaint Petersburg
-MultimarinNizhegorodskaya oblast'
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command BrideOA 0941 RUS 50Московская область
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command BrideOlgaМосковская область
Bayliner Ciera 2556TA 3396 RUS 50
≈ 2020
Московская область
R 02-67 ME
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command BrideR 35-26 STSSaint Petersburg
Baylner Ciera Express 2252R 38-29 STSSaint Petersburg
-R 43-33 LBSaint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 2855R 68-62 TFRepublic of Tatarstan
Bayliner Ciera 3055R 90-75 MSMoscow
Bayliner Ciera 2455AA 0256 RUS 50
≈ 2020
Московская область
R 91-13 MSMoscow
Bayliner Ciera 2655R 99-16 LTLeningrad Oblast
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command BrideRAA 80-00Arkhangelsk
Bayliner Ciera 2355RegiLeningrad Oblast
Bayliner Ciera 3055RelaxMoscow
Bayliner Ciera 2655Shrek
≤ 2018
Московская область
Bayliner Ciera 2655SmartYaroslavskaya oblast
Bayliner Ciera 3055UA 5775 KV(Ukraine)
Bayliner Ciera 2455ViktoriyaSaint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 2855VoyadzherSaint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 2655VV 0070 RUS 47Leningrad Oblast
Bayliner Ciera 2858 Command Bride1989Portnadzor-1Saint Petersburg
Bayliner Ciera 23551991Bayline Ciera 2255Абакан
Bayliner Ciera 2651 Sunbridge1992MerkuriyMoscow
Bayliner Ciera 3055USDA25EPH1921992SimfoniyaSevastopol
Bayliner Ciera 2855BL2C30STC5951995Voyadzher
≈ 2024
Nizhny Novgorod
≈ 2021
≈ 2017
SagaNizhny Novgorod

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