Построено как рыболовное судно, но реквизировано немецким ВМФ в 1943, в дальнейшем использовалось датским ВМФ как патрульное судно Y-953. Продано на аукционе в 1976 текущему владельцу Йоргену Крумбску Хансену и восстановлено как вспомогательное парусное судно, теперь базируемое в Nyhavn, Копенгаген.
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Description: Danish fishing vessel WOTAN of Køge. Built 1942 by Karstensen & Hendriksen, Skagen 32grt 16m 150bhp B&W-Alpha
Built for fishing, but requisitioned by German Navy in 1943, and later in Danish Navy as patrol vessel Y-953. Sold at auction in 1976 to current owner Jørgen Krumbæk Hansen and rebuilt as auxiliary sailing vessel, now based in the Nyhavn, Copenhagen
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