Cort Adeler → 06.1974 Duke of Yorkshire → 1978 Marine Evangeline → 1993 Spirit Of Boulogne → 1995 Marine Evangeline → 08.1998 • → 08.2012 ULS Ferry 1 → 11.2017 Ana → 09.2020 Vav → 04.2021 Pray
Спущено на воду как "Cort Adeler".
Сдано в эксплуатацию как "Duke Of Yorkshire".
Валовая вместимость: 7564 т
Дедвейт: 1642 т
Длина: 110 м
Ширина: 20 м
Марка ГД: 4 x Normo
Суммарная мощность ГД: 7609 кВт
Максимальная скорость: 16,7 уз.
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Camera Settings
PENTAX Corporation
Software or Firmware:
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Date and Time:
14.07.2012 11:31
Exposure Time:
1/350 sec
Aperture Value:
ISO Speed:
Exposure Bias:
+0.5 EV
Focal Length:
180 mm
Equivalent Focal Length:
270 mm
Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression mode