Мустай Карим
Река Волга, Чебоксарское водохранилище
Нижегородская область, Нижний Новгород
Затон завода "Красное Сормово"

Author: Dmitry Kisten · Nizhny Novgorod           Date: March 28, 2022


License: Copyright ©
Published 29.03.2022 02:15 MSK
Views — 2944
Detailed info

Мустай Карим

Home Port:Saint Petersburg  
Registry:РКО (РРР до 2022)
Registry number:236393
Registry class:М-ПР3,0(ЛЕД30)А
Call sign:UDCX
Keel laid:28.03.2017
Nizhny Novgorod
Yard number:04001
Current state:Operating
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.

Camera Settings

Artist Name:Dmitry Kisten
Copyright Information:dmitry@kisten.photo
Date and Time:28.03.2022 12:30
Exposure Time:1/3000 sec
Aperture Value:2.8
ISO Speed:110
Focal Length:8.38 mm
Show all EXIF tags

Comments · 12

29.03.2022 03:07 MSK
RonHalliday · Rochester
Photos: 30
Is that 2 rsd59 types afloat already?
+3 / –1
29.03.2022 21:14 MSK
Photos: 12
The one that's in the works.
+4 / –1
30.03.2022 13:11 MSK
Dmitry Kisten · Nizhny Novgorod
Photos: 565
Цитата (RonHalliday, 29.03.2022):
> Is that 2 rsd59 types afloat already?

3 ships project RSD59 are still being built afloat, all 3 still don't have names so far on them.
Thanks! Taken into account
+3 / –1
30.03.2022 13:38 MSK
Photos: 12
If you are referring specifically to the RSD59 project, then the vessels of this project are already working and not one. And if the project of the passenger vessel "PV300", then there are only two of them, one of which is already in operation from the last navigation.
+2 / –1
30.03.2022 14:19 MSK
RonHalliday · Rochester
Photos: 30
Thanks Dima, we will till they have there names posted. Thanks for the reply.
+4 / –1
31.03.2022 11:46 MSK
RAM1024 · Москва
Photos: 24
To my knowledge, those three vessels are unfinished due to a lack of equipment that is not being supplied due to sanctions.
First, there was a delay in construction due to the refusal of the lessee. And then there are sanctions.
As far as I know, at the moment there is no customer for these vessels, STLC is trying to find who will "adopt" them.
+2 / –1
31.03.2022 16:42 MSK
RonHalliday · Rochester
Photos: 30
RAM1024, Thanks for that info, Do not think the sanctions help but i suspected that there might be a problem, especially after working very fast on the production line last year. But we can wait and see what happens.
Always a possibility, that Volga shipping might take them on.
+1 / –1
31.03.2022 17:25 MSK
E-Mike52 · Nizhny Novgorod
Photos: 2274
Tomorrow another RSD59 will be launched.
+0 / –1
31.03.2022 17:30 MSK
Photos: 1314 · Database Editor / Moderator
Цитата (RonHalliday, 31.03.2022):
> Always a possibility, that Volga shipping might take them on.

Volga shipping already building 5 RSD71 in Navashino and they very expensive for them.
+0 / –1
01.04.2022 02:47 MSK
RonHalliday · Rochester
Photos: 30
Yes aware of that, believe there is a further 16 afterwards to be built. But have doubts on that at the moment due to the fiscal situation. Will be interesting to see the first one when it is floated off.
+1 / –2
05.07.2022 18:57 MSK
E-Mike52 · Nizhny Novgorod
Photos: 2274
"Сергей Волков" сдан заказчику.
"Завод «Красное Сормово» и Государственная транспортная лизинговая компания (ГТЛК) подписали двухсторонние акты приема-передачи сухогруза, построенного в рамках серии из 11 судов."
+3 / –0
11.11.2022 18:45 MSK
Photos: 10
ежели жизнь и дальше налаживаться будет как сейчас..мустай карим переименуют в пустой карим.
+7 / –1

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