Delphis Gdansk
Балтийское море, Финский залив, Невская губа, Большая Турухтанная гавань
Санкт-Петербург, Турухтанные острова
Большой порт Санкт-Петербург, 4-й район

Author: Сергей Лутов · Saint Petersburg           Date: December 25, 2018


License: Copyright ©
Published 28.12.2018 13:24 MSK
Views — 834
Detailed info

Delphis Gdansk

Class:Delphis Bothnia
Home Port:Hong Kong  
Registry number:35345
Registry class:[✠]100 A5 E3 Container ship BWM (D1) (D2) DG ERS Gas ready (AEC, D, MEC) IW LC NAV RSD
Call sign:VRQJ5
Keel laid:18.12.2015
Yard number:265
Current state:Registry data changed Operating
GT: 25715
DWT: 24700
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.

Camera Settings

Model:NIKON D5300
Date and Time:25.12.2018 10:29
Exposure Time:1/125 sec
Aperture Value:9
ISO Speed:1250
Focal Length:300 mm
Show all EXIF tags

Comments · 2

28.12.2018 17:46 MSK
Photos: 1036
Можно добавить тип New Kielmax Containership

New kielmax vessels
In 2016, Delphis took delivery of four kielmax containerships, examples of a new, larger generation of kielmax vessels. They have a capacity 40% larger than existing kielmax containerships able to transit the Kiel Canal.

ну и еще информации

Delphis completes ice-class newbuilding program at HHIC shipyard Korea with delivery of the last
1.900 TEU container ship in a series of 4,

MV Delphis Riga. Sister ships are
Delphis Bothnia,
Delphis Gdansk and
Delphis Finland.

These vessels have a nominal capacity of 1926 TEU with a homogenous intake 40% larger than existing Kiel Max container ships. Main characteristics of these vessels are Finish/Swedish ice class 1A, high manoeuvrability with bow thruster, stern thruster and a high efficiency flap rudder, large 45ft and EURO pallet wide intake, 500 reefer positions, latest electronic main engine design and low fuel oil consumption for the entire speed range at both design and scantling drafts. The design and successful completion of these vessels is the result of a close cooperation between HHIC and the Delphis fleet team.

+1 / –0
28.12.2018 17:53 MSK
Photos: 1036
9763710 DELPHIS BOTHNIA - Yard no. N263 http://fleetphoto.ru/vessel/77987/
9763722 DELPHIS FINLAND - Yard no. N264
9780653 DELPHIS GDANSK - Yard no. N265 http://fleetphoto.ru/vessel/71647/
9780665 DELPHIS RIGA - Yard no. N266
+1 / –0

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