Spabunker Treinta, Houston Express
Средиземное море, Балеарское море
Испания, Барселона

Author: Анатолий К.           Date: June 18, 2018


License: Copyright ©
Published 04.12.2018 17:45 MSK
Views — 764
Detailed info

Spabunker Treinta

Home Port:Barcelona  
Registry number:10477Q
Registry class:I ✠ Hull ✠ Mach, Oil tanker -flash point > 60°C ESP, Coastal area, ✠ AUT-UMS
Call sign:ECIK
Yard number:371
Current state:Operating
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.

Houston Express

Design:Daewoo 8000
Home Port:Hamburg  
Registry number:20146
Registry class:[✠]100 A5 E Container ship SOLAS-II-2,Reg.19 IW LC NAV-O RSCS, ✠MC E AUT
Call sign:DNDD
Keel laid:18.10.2004
Yard number:4102
Current state:Renamed Operating
Renames:Savannah → 10.2013 Savannah Express → 08.2015 Aries Voyager → 11.2017 • → 11.2018 Northern Julie → 09.2021 MSC Mundra → 10.2022 MSC Mundra VIII
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.

Comments · 1

31.10.2021 17:15 MSK
MakVik · Vilnius
Photos: 1386
Суда проекта Daewoo 8000

IMO | Стр.№ | Вошел в строй | Название | TEU

Серия I
9294989 4102 04.2005 Savannah Express 8411
9294991 4103 08.2005 Houston Express 8411
9303522 4104 12.2005 Maersk Stralsund 8401
9303534 4105 06.2006 Maersk Saigon 8401
9306550 4106 12.2006 Maersk Seoul 8401

Серия II
9309447 4107 12.2005 MSC Rania 8401
9309459 4108 02.2006 MSC Silvana 8401
9309461 4109 07.2006 MSC Tomoko 8401
9309473 4110 10.2006 MSC Heidi 8401

Серия III
9332511 4117 08.2007 Maersk Tanjong 8086
9334662 4118 11.2007 Maersk Taikung 8086
9334674 4119 03.2008 Maersk Taurus 8086
9334686 4120 05.2008 Maersk Tukan 8086

Серия IV
9330068 4115 11.2006 Maersk Surabaya 8400
9330070 4116 05.2007 Maersk Semarang 8400
9450337 4152 09.2009 Northern Jubilee 8411
9450349 4153 12.2009 Northern Juvenile 8411
9450351 4154 02.2010 Northern Justice 8411
9450363 4155 06.2010 Northern Jamboree 8411
9465095 4174 07.2009 Northern Javelin 8411
9466960 4175 08.2009 Northern Jasper 8411
9466972 4176 10.2009 Northern Jaguar 8411
9466984 4177 01.2010 Northern Jupiter 8411
+2 / –0

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