Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Проект 266М.
С 03.2014 находится во временном подчинении краснознаменной 68 бригады кораблей ОВР Крымской ВМБ КЧФ.
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Катер П-99 входил в состав 102-го отряда спецназначения по борьбе с ПДСС Черноморского флота. 1.08.1997 катер был вошёл в состав ВМС Украины
С 03.2014 находится во временном подчинении краснознаменной 68 бригады кораблей ОВР Крымской ВМБ КЧФ.
Information about the vessel is given on the basis of publicly available sources and observations of users of this site. Site Administration has no associations with these sources and not responsible for this data. The information here may be invalid or outdated.
Camera Settings
Software or Firmware:
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
Date and Time:
18.10.2014 16:42
Exposure Time:
26843545/2147483628 sec
Aperture Value:
ISO Speed:
Focal Length:
145 mm
Equivalent Focal Length:
217 mm
Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression mode
Для испытаний противолодочных ракет «Водопад» и «Ветер» был разработан проект 633РВ, по которому в 1971–1980-х годах модернизированы подводные лодки С-49 и С-11.