
List of Vessels

Class Overseas Acadia

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Name Reg.Nr IMO Yard Nr Port
Acadia 08178027 9389679 0311501 Majuro
Ace 08178027 9389679 0311501 Majuro
Cape Anglia 9436006 0311513
Cape Antigua 9436018 0311516
Crude Centurion 33051C 9436020 0311517 Majuro
Ghibli 9436006 0311513
Ghibli 09179075 9417799 0311507 Monrovia
Huihai Indianocean 32786P 9436018 0311516 Panama
Iridescent 3737 9436018 0311516 Monrovia
Iridescent 32786P 9436018 0311516 Monrovia
King Charles 9407445 0311508
King Conrad 9407457 0311509 Valletta
Matilda 09179077 9407457 0311509 Valletta
Overseas Acadia 08178027 9389679 0311501 Majuro
Overseas Yellowstone 09178029 9394947 0311503 Majuro
Overseas Yellowstone 09178029 9394947 0311503 Majuro
Overseas Yellowstone 09178029 9394947 0311503 Majuro
Overseas Yosemite 09178030 9394959 0311504 Majuro
Paramount 9436006 0311513 Majuro
Samsun 69781 9436006 0311513 Panama
Seadelta 09191847 9386536 0311512 Valletta
Seamusic 09179076 9407445 0311508 Valletta
Seaways Yellowstone 09178029 9394947 0311503 Majuro
Seaweys Yosemite 09178030 9394959 0311504 Majuro
Signal Cheetah 9436006 0311513 Valletta
Stealth Chios 9436006 0311513 Majuro
Stealth Chios 9436006 0311513 Piraeus
Stealth Haralambos 09191847 9386536 0311512 Piraeus
V8 Stealth 3737 9436018 0311516 Majuro
V8 Stealth II 33051C 9436020 0311517 Majuro

Records shown: 30 from 30

Color Coding

New — has not been put in operation yet
Out of service
Sunken or/and abandoned
Place and current state are unknown
Rebuilt/Modernized — design changed
Registry data changed


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