
List of Vessels

Design 92-063/1, тип Rugen

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Name Reg.Nr IMO Yard Nr Wdwn. Port
Anette Scan 112154 9375874 1910 Saint John's
Anka Sky 103375 9145126 1412 Port Vila
Anne G90951 9145126 1412 Saint John's
Anne 90951 9145126 1412 Saint John's
Anne Scan 90951 9145126 1412 Saint John's
Asela 9194854 1419 Panama
Asela 9194854 1419 Saint John's
Atima Scan G112156 9375898 1912 Saint John's
BBC Gibraltar 9178472 1417 (Indonesia)
BBC Gibraltar 9178472 1417 Gibraltar
BBC Gibraltar 9178472 1417 Gibraltar
Bremer Forest 9178472 1417 Gibraltar
Carrier 34400 9056026 2916 Bridgetown
Dutch Sea 9056064 2920 Saint John's
Dutch Spear 9056038 2917 Limassol
Express 9056040 2918 Saint John's
Fischland 9056076 2921 Rostock
Gata Bay 9056064 2920 Limassol
Gulf Rain 9056052 2919 Basseterre
Hava'I 43972X 9375898 1912 Kingstown
Hava'I 43972X 9375898 1912 Papeete
Herford 90951 9145126 1412 Saint John's
Hiddensee 9056038 2917 Rostock
Illannur 9178472 1417 (Indonesia)
Illannur 17697 9178472 1417 Batam
Kristian With G112156 9375898 1912 Trondheim
Kristian With G112156 9375898 1912 Trondheim
Larnaca Bay 34405 9056076 2921 Limassol
Lebasee 9145126 1412
Lebasee 9145126 1412
Lebasee 9145126 1412
Leda 9178472 1417 Saint John's
Malte B 9194854 1419 (unknown port)
Malte B 93860 9194854 1419 Saint John's
Marne 97970 9197442 1905 Saint John's
Marne G94085 9197442 1905 Saint John's
Marne 94085 9197442 1905 Saint John's
MCL Fortune 9056038 2917 Limassol
Meridian Tres 9194842 1418 17.01.2017 Cebu
Michael A G34405 9056076 2921 Saint John's
Michael A 34405 9056076 2921 Saint John's
Moldavia 90951 9145126 1412 Saint John's
Naja G90951 9145126 1412 Saint John's
Nanuk G112156 9375898 1912
Nanuk G112156 9375898 1912 Saint John's
Nils B 93859 9194842 1418 17.01.2017 Saint John's
Oldeoog 9194854 1419 (unknown port)
Oster Till 9178472 1417
Peary 34405 9056076 2921 Saint John's
Pera 9111149 1407
Pera 9111149 1407 Limassol
Pera 9111149 1407 Saint John's
Pera 9111149 1407 Saint John's
Pera 9111149 1407 Saint John's
Petra G94085 9197442 1905 Madeira
Poel 9056040 2918 Rostock
Posen 9056052 2919 Saint John's
Rügen 9056026 2916 Rostock
Sao Vicente 9145126 1412
Sao Vicente 9145126 1412
Seafortune 9056038 2917 Limassol
Seapride Spirit 9056040 2918 Limassol
Seaprincess 9056026 2916 Limassol
Seaprincess 9056026 2916 Limassol
Seaprincess 34400 9056026 2916 Saint John's
Seaprogress 9056052 2919 Limassol
Southern Phoenix 112154 9375874 1910 Saint John's
Tuperna G112154 9375874 1910 Saint John's
Tuperna 112154 9375874 1910 Saint John's
Tuperna 112154 9375874 1910 Saint John's
Tuperna 112154 9375874 1910 Saint John's
Usedom 9056052 2919 Rostock
Vilm 9056064 2920 Rostock
Wilson Gdansk G34400 9056026 2916 Bridgetown
Wilson Gdynia G34404 9056064 2920 Bridgetown
Wilson Gdynia G34404 9056064 2920 Bridgetown
Wilson Gdynia G34404 9056064 2920 Bridgetown
Wilson Gijon 9056038 2917 Bridgetown
Wilson Gijon 9056038 2917 Bridgetown
Wilson Grimsby 34402 9056040 2918 Bridgetown
Wilson Grimsby G34402 9056040 2918 Bridgetown
Боцман Власов 9111149 1407

Records shown: 82 from 82

Color Coding

New — has not been put in operation yet
Out of service
Sunken or/and abandoned
Place and current state are unknown
Rebuilt/Modernized — design changed
Registry data changed


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