List of Vessels
Name |
Design |
Brd.Nr |
Reg.Nr |
Yard Nr |
Built |
Wdwn. |
470 |
1370А design |
204870 |
470 |
1984 |
late 1990s |
Дзержинец |
Костромич type, 1606 design |
В-13-4091 |
093951 |
1985 |
Дзержинец |
Костромич type, 1606 design |
093951 |
1985 |
Колонок-31 |
1344, тип Колонок design |
В-9-82 |
093715 |
15 |
1977 |
early 2000s |
Лайнер |
БР (80, 90, 150) type, БР-90 design |
В-9-689 |
093367 |
1957 |
late 1990s |
Лотос |
БР (80, 90, 150) type, БР-80 design |
В-13-4094 |
004425 |
1955 |
late 2000s |
Лотос |
БР (80, 90, 150) type, БР-80 design |
004425 |
1955 |
late 2000s |
МБ-82 |
БР (80, 90, 150) type, БР-80 design |
В-9-81 |
093370 |
1957 |
early 2000s |
Россия |
Ярославец (пр. 376 всех модификаций) type, Р-376У design |
В-13-4093 |
187562 |
2050 |
1975 |
Россия |
Ярославец (пр. 376 всех модификаций) type, Р-376У design |
187562 |
2050 |
1975 |
РРБ-3 |
11005 design |
В-13-4092 |
093945 |
1985 |
РРБ-3 |
11005 design |
093945 |
1985 |
Records shown: 12 from 12
Color Coding
Operating |
New — has not been put in operation yet |
Out of service |
Sunken or/and abandoned |
Scrapped |
Place and current state are unknown |
Rebuilt/Modernized — design changed |
Renamed |
Registry data changed |