FleetPhoto |
List of Vessels
Name |
Design |
Brd.Nr |
Reg.Nr |
Yard Nr |
Built |
Wdwn. |
Accurat |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
113856 |
9454319 |
870 |
01.07.2010 |
Alexander von Humboldt |
Sailing vessels |
8626886 |
155 |
1906 |
Alexander von Humboldt |
Sailing vessels |
8626886 |
155 |
1906 |
Alexander von Humboldt II |
Барк |
G115473 |
9618446 |
BVT 4 |
07.10.2011 |
Alexander von Humboldt II |
Барк |
115473 |
9618446 |
BVT 4 |
07.10.2011 |
Alte Weser |
Special purpose vessels |
9502233 |
9502233 |
06/1/3000 |
10.12.2008 |
Andree Rickmers |
Сухогрузные пароходы |
121 |
30.06.1902 |
14.07.1929 |
Bagger Bremerhaven |
Bucket-Ladder Dredgers |
1980 |
BHV Innovation |
Non-propelled dry cargo vessels |
2021 |
Bremen |
Bremen type |
7217999 |
483 |
01.09.1972 |
30.10.2020 |
Bremen |
Обстановочные и служебно-разъездные суда |
9833395 |
2019 |
Bremerhaven |
Wal type |
G34430 |
9045871 |
421 |
01.05.1993 |
Bremerhaven |
Wal type |
34430 |
9045871 |
421 |
01.05.1993 |
Bremerhaven |
Wal type |
34430 |
9045871 |
421 |
01.05.1993 |
Bremerhaven |
Ferry (no beds) |
110 |
08.04.1999 |
Bruno Illing |
Лоцмейстерские |
6818617 |
864 |
11.1968 |
Dock 1 |
Floating docks |
Dock IV |
Floating docks |
Dock V |
Floating docks |
1983 |
Dock VI |
Design GHH 8000 |
G32579 |
3 |
1956 |
Dorum |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
113855 |
9454307 |
869 |
04.02.2010 |
Ella |
Шхуна |
≥ 08.1935 |
Etha Rickmers |
Сухогрузные пароходы |
156 |
11.09.1909 |
27.02.1929 |
Etha Rickmers |
Сухогрузные пароходы |
156 |
11.09.1909 |
27.02.1929 |
Friedrich Busse |
Bremen type |
7237250 |
369 |
21.12.1972 |
Friedrich Busse |
Bremen type |
7237250 |
369 |
21.12.1972 |
Friedrich Ernestine |
Seabreeze type |
G116029 |
3304 |
21.12.2011 |
Geeste |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
G113855 |
9454307 |
869 |
04.02.2010 |
Geeste |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
113855 |
9454307 |
869 |
04.02.2010 |
Geeste |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
113855 |
9454307 |
869 |
04.02.2010 |
Geestemunde |
Local |
7429176 |
1430 |
1975 |
Gera |
Brandenburg (тип III) type |
ROS-223 |
5129514 |
83 |
14.10.1961 |
Ginkgo |
Sailing and Motor-Sailing Yachts |
mid 1980s |
H. H. Meier |
Theodor Heuss (23,2-Meter Klasse) type |
KRS 4 |
6253 |
1960 |
08.1985 |
Hansa |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
Harengus |
Trawlers |
BX782 |
8716942 |
202 |
06.1988 |
Hein Mück |
Lady Sunshine type |
2009 |
Helmut |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
1923 |
Hermann Rudolf Meyer |
Meyer (23,1m Klasse) type |
6490 |
1996 |
Hunte |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
G113856 |
9454319 |
870 |
01.07.2010 |
Hunte |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
113856 |
9454319 |
870 |
01.07.2010 |
Jan Maria |
Fishing vessels |
BX-791 |
8707446 |
1066 |
02.12.1988 |
Jan Maria |
Fishing vessels |
BX-791 |
8707446 |
1066 |
02.12.1988 |
Jan Maria |
Fishing vessels |
BX-783 |
8707446 |
1066 |
02.12.1988 |
Kaddy |
Tankers |
8700632 |
08 |
1989 |
Kapitan Konig |
Pilot boats |
5405889 |
517 |
01.06.1963 |
Kiel |
Bremen type |
6619 |
7234636 |
371 |
28.02.1973 |
KS 3 |
KS type |
KS 5 |
KS type |
KS 7 |
KS type |
Lady Sunshine |
Lady Sunshine type |
2006 |
MC 47 |
Work Platforms |
Midlum |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
113856 |
9454319 |
870 |
01.07.2010 |
Mirco |
Tankers |
1963 |
Mond |
Bremen type |
7302859 |
370 |
12.04.1973 |
13.10.1990 |
Mond |
Bremen type |
7302859 |
370 |
12.04.1973 |
13.10.1990 |
Möwe |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
16.03.1918 |
1965 |
Möwe |
Лоцмейстерские |
2013 |
Nordergründe |
Лоцмейстерские |
9641778 |
9641778 |
1136279 |
01.11.2012 |
Nordstern I |
Bremen type |
7237250 |
369 |
21.12.1972 |
Polarstern |
Research and scientific vessels |
G16829 |
8013132 |
707 |
09.12.1982 |
Polarstern |
Research and scientific vessels |
G16829 |
8013132 |
707 |
09.12.1982 |
Rau IX |
Rau IX type |
5157315 |
638 |
30.09.1939 |
Rickmer Rickmers |
Барк |
89 |
12.08.1896 |
Rickmer Rickmers |
Ship |
89 |
12.08.1896 |
Rosengarten |
KFK 2 type |
BX 476 |
05.05.1943 |
Schwimmdock III (Dock III) |
Floating docks |
G32570 |
49 |
01.01.1958 |
Schwimmdock III (Dock III) |
Floating docks |
G32570 |
49 |
01.01.1958 |
Schwimmdock III (Dock III) |
Floating docks |
32570 |
49 |
01.01.1958 |
Seefalke |
Salvage vessels |
5317276 |
401 |
11.1924 |
Seelöwe |
Wilhelm Grünhage type |
BX 184 |
381 |
15.01.1922 |
26.03.1959 |
Seelöwe |
Wilhelm Grünhage type |
BX 184 |
381 |
15.01.1922 |
26.03.1959 |
Seute Deern |
Барк |
1919 |
09.2020 |
Seute Deern |
Барк |
1919 |
09.2020 |
Stier |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
1954 |
Stör-I |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
1968 |
Tide |
Лоцмейстерские |
9031208 |
147 |
1990 |
Treff I |
Treff type |
1 |
706 |
06.06.1936 |
1954 |
Treff II |
Treff type |
2 |
707 |
29.06.1936 |
11.1959 |
Treff III |
Treff type |
3 |
708 |
08.1936 |
24.10.1944 |
Treff IV |
Treff type |
561 |
09.1936 |
1954 |
Treff V |
Treff type |
562 |
09.1936 |
23.04.1940 |
Treff VI |
Treff type |
713 |
09.1936 |
08.1963 |
Treff VII |
Treff type |
731 |
09.08.1937 |
1954 |
Treff VIII |
Treff type |
732 |
26.08.1937 |
06.07.1940 |
VB Bremerhaven |
Wal type |
G34430 |
9045871 |
421 |
01.05.1993 |
VB Geeste |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
G113855 |
9454307 |
869 |
04.02.2010 |
VB Hunte |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
G113856 |
9454319 |
870 |
01.07.2010 |
Victoria Mathias |
Seabreeze type |
9578244 |
3303 |
15.12.2011 |
Visurgis |
Pilot boats |
Von Flügge |
Tugs, Pusher tugs |
PG 238 |
16.03.1918 |
1965 |
Vorwärts |
German built RT type |
93 |
23.12.1912 |
Vorwärts |
German built RT type |
93 |
23.12.1912 |
Wal |
Icebreakers |
G7450 |
8862662 |
800 |
20.07.1938 |
Wangeroog |
Design SWATH@A&R Pilot Tender 25M |
8993887 |
6468 |
10.2004 |
Weser |
Pilot boats |
G113851 |
9514808 |
6485 |
21.06.2010 |
Weser |
Pilot boats |
113851 |
9514808 |
6485 |
21.06.2010 |
Wesertank 22 |
Tankers |
214 |
1971 |
Westensee |
Oil & Garbage recovery vessels |
G30962 |
8417273 |
4058 |
06.1984 |
Westensee |
Oil & Garbage recovery vessels |
30962 |
8417273 |
4058 |
06.1984 |
Zenit |
Research and scientific vessels |
9313187 |
03/1/1960 |
05.02.2004 |
Records shown: 101 from 101
Color Coding
Operating |
New — has not been put in operation yet |
Out of service |
Sunken or/and abandoned |
Scrapped |
Place and current state are unknown |
Rebuilt/Modernized — design changed |
Renamed |
Registry data changed |