
Northumberland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.

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 Howdon Northumberland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. since 1898
 Howdon Edwards' Shipbuilding Co. 1890 — 1898
 Howdon H.S.Edwards & Sons before 1890

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Passenger and cargo-passenger steamers 14 1884 Синеус Odessa
Cargo steamers 138 09.1906 Dioni (Lesvos, Vasilissa Sofia, Asgard, Транспорт №5 (Альма)) Chios (Piraeus, London, Russian Imperator Navy, Nordenham)
Сухогрузные пароходы 131 02.1907 Тургай (Santa Brigida, Farley) Arkhangelsk (London)
Сухогрузные пароходы 166 10.1909 Gerania (Транспорт №18 Туапсе) Trieste (Russian Imperator Navy, Triest)
Сухогрузные пароходы 190 04.1912 Всеволод Сибирцев (Kangean) Vladivostok (Amsterdam)

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