
Dalian Fishing Vessel Company

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City: Dalian  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Reefers 93-1206 03.02.1994 Атропус 931793 Vladivostok (Magadan, (Russia))
RS-600 type 2000-1202 19.01.2001 Сибирь 000091 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
RS-600 type 2004-1204 20.07.2005 Капитан Муковников 040559 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
RS-600 type 2005-1213 01.08.2006 Пик Фусса (Pik Fussa) Nevelsk ((none))
RS-600 type 2005-1215 04.09.2006 Капитан Малякин 060181 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
Design Abh MPV 6500, Forte-class 2006-1201 14.10.2008 Krista (Ostermarsch) 104129 Saint John's
Design Abh MPV 6500, Forte-class 2006-1202 18.03.2009 Kaari (Ameland) 104339 Saint John's
Design Abh MPV 6500, Forte-class 2006-1204 02.12.2009 Hollum G113347 Madeira (Saint John's)
Design Abh MPV 6500, Forte-class 2006-1205 17.05.2010 BBC Marmara (Wittdün) G113348 Madeira (Gibraltar)
Design Abh MPV 6500, Forte-class 2008-1203 10.11.2010 BBC Magellan (Extum) Saint John's ((none))
Design Abh MPV 6500, Forte-class 2008-1204 22.03.2011 BBC Ocean (Damsum) G115072 Saint John's ((none))
BBC Bergen, проект (Китай) type 2007-1201 12.01.2012 BBC Belem G114264 Saint John's
BBC Bergen, проект (Китай) type 2007-1202 01.04.2012 BBC Balboa G114265 Saint John's
BBC Bergen, проект (Китай) type 2007-1204 09.01.2013 Mila (BBC Baltimore) 114267 Saint John's (Gibraltar)
BBC Bergen, проект (Китай) type 2007-1203 14.05.2013 Longdawn (Louis, BBC Barcelona) G114266 Saint John's ((none))
Fishing vessels 2014Z-01 19.10.2015 Лучегорск (Luchegorsk) 141618 Nakhodka ((none))
Trawlers LY8150 20.09.2017 Териберка 160799 Murmansk
Longliners LYSY2018Z-04 04.07.2022 Капитан Русанов 191246 Murmansk
LY8502 design LYSY2018Z-01 25.12.2022 Атка 180472 Magadan
Fishing vessels LYSY2019Z-01 16.05.2023 Тармо Murmansk

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