
Halifax Shipyard Limited

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 Halifax Halifax Shipyard Limited since 1994
 Halifax Halifax-Dartmouth Industries Limited 1985 — 1994
 Halifax Halifax Industries Limited 1978 — 1985
 Halifax Halifax Shipyards Limited 1918 — 1978
 Halifax Halifax Graving Dock Company before 1918

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
St. Laurent type 05.10.1957 Margaree Royal Canadian Navy
Newfoundland Eagle type 50 01.11.1967 Мыс Зенит (Cape Zenith, Cape Circle, Kull, Newfoundland Hawk) Kholmsk (Klaipeda, Kingstown, St. John's, NL)
Design UT 722 (01271, L, LE, LX) 6087 22.05.2000 Сейвал (Sayan Jarl, Atlantic Hawk) 990842 Murmansk (Limassol, St. John's, NL)
Supply, anchor handling vessels 6089 10.07.2003 Atlantic Osprey 21613 St. John's, NL (Halifax)
Design Damen Stan Patrol 4207 6099 31.10.2013 Corporal McLaren M.M.V. Canadian Coast Guard

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