De Liesbosch
City: Utrecht  Utrecht (Утрехт), Nieuwegein (Ньювегейн), Jutphaas, Netherlands
Vessels being built by this facility
Design | Yard Nr | Built | Name | Reg.Nr | Port |
General cargo |
1910 |
Vineta (Frieda) |
Wolgast ((Germany), Duisburg, Minden) |
General cargo |
125 |
1970 |
Geroma (Krabbenkreek, Meteoor) |
Papendrecht (Sint Philipsland, Soest, IJsselstein) |
Hopper barges |
134 |
01.05.1972 |
Lybra (BA810) |
Venice ((Italy)) |
143 |
17.01.1975 |
Marian B (Inz. Marian Bukowski) |
Freetown (Szczecin) |
169 |
15.12.1982 |
Glanford (Гленфорд, Ronceray, Hardinxveld, Liesbosch) |
Belize City (Kaliningrad, Freetown, Rouen, (unknown port), Amsterdam) |
186 |
18.08.1983 |
Milford (Vlaanderen I, Lesse II) |
Belize City (Zeebrugge, Antwerpen) |
General cargo |
195 |
22.12.1989 |
Prima (Christa, Sea Breeze, Sea Hawk, Christa K, Mindful, Christian R) |
103090 |
Port Vila (Avatiu, Bridgetown, Saint John's, Emden, (none)) |
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