
NKK Corporation - Shimizu Works

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City: Shizuoka  

NKK Shipbuilding Corporation — Shimizu Works
Address: Shizuoka, Japan

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Trawlers 1964 Россини (Mikami Maru) (Russia) ((Japan))
Стара Планина type 219 29.09.1964 Средна гора Varna
Birknes type 354 21.01.1978 Alycia (Kagarlyk, Пётр Смородин, Becknes) Valletta (Monrovia, Odessa, Panama)
Birknes type 359 30.05.1978 Asraar E Mostafa (Amalia, Kanev, Владимир Гаврилов, Borgnes) Moroni (Kingstown, Valletta, Monrovia, Odessa, London)
General cargo 416 28.11.1984 Mimar Sinan (Olympic Melody) 1705 Avatiu (Piraeus, (unknown port))
Bulkers 425 01.09.1985 Federal Kasser (Federal Polaris) 8537726 Belize City (Majuro, Nassau, Bridgetown, Kosaka)

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