
South Sevastopol Shipyard

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 Sevastopol South Sevastopol Shipyard since 07.2014
 Sevastopol South Sevastopol Shipyard 02.01.2003 — 07.2014
 Sevastopol Sevastopol Shiprepair Yard 12.1991 — 02.01.2003
 Sevastopol Sevastopol Shiprepair Yard 1965 — 12.1991
 Sevastopol Sevastopol Shiprepair Yard 1962 — 1965
 Sevastopol Sevastopol Shiprepair Yard before 1962
Основан в 1947г. в Камышовой бухте, в феврале 2020г. обьявлен банкротом.

Адрес: г. Севастополь, ул. Правды,24.

List of vessels owned by this entity (2)
List of vessels managed by this entity (2)

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
DCV52 design 8 27.08.1987 Andrey Artyomenko (Андрей Артёменко, Andrey Artemenko, Slavutich-8, Славутич-8) Ulan Bator (Korsakov, Shakhtyorsk, Freetown, Belize City, Kherson)
DCV52 design 11 27.12.1988 Валерий Онищук (Valeriy Onischuk, Slavutich-11, Славутич-11) 886992 Korsakov (Shakhtyorsk, Freetown, Bratislava, Belize City, Kherson)
002CNF01, тип Петровск design 6 12.2002 Trove (Петровск, Славутич-6) Malakal Harbour (Novorossiysk, Temryuk, Makhachkala, Kherson)
002CNF01, тип Петровск design 3 02.2004 Midas (Анненков, Славутич-3) 836048 Kribi (Novorossiysk, Temryuk, Kherson)
CNF09 design 1089 18.08.2010 Славянин (Slavyanin, Arsar, Pacific, Scan Baltic, Baltic, Baltic Link) 1-307067 Novorossiysk (Zanzibar, Phnom Penh, Kingstown, Valletta, Oslo, Delfzijl)
CNF12 design 3327 22.10.2013 Dalga (Николай Аксёненко, Nikolay Aksenenko) Kribi (Novorossiysk, Malakal Harbour)

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
23370 design 102 29.07.2014 СМК-2094 Russian NAVY

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