
Ceksan Shipyard

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City: Tuzla  

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Tankers 1991 Sterling (Bunker VII) İstanbul ((none))
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04 design H-20 24.09.2004 Невский Берег (Невадо-31, Nevado-31, Улус Прайм, Ulus Prime) 030294 Saint Petersburg (Astrakhan, Taganrog, Basseterre, Valletta)
Tankers 22 28.11.2004 Lotus (Stoc Petrea) 30625 Laeso (Stockholm)
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04 design H-21 11.03.2005 Sea Aries (Mont Blanc А., Невадо-32, Nevado-32, Улус Стар) 103455 Belize City (Malakal Harbour, Giurgiulesti, Taganrog, Basseterre, Valletta)
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04 design H-26 28.07.2005 Балтийский берег (Nevado-33, Улус Скай, Ulus Sky) 040296 Saint Petersburg (Astrakhan, Basseterre, Taganrog, Valletta)
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04 design NB-27 01.01.2006 Sea Princess (Sea Desire, Hoverla A., Невадо-34, Nevado-34, Улус Бриз, Ulus Breeze) 103454 Malakal Harbour (Giurgiulesti, Taganrog, Basseterre, Valletta)
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04 design H-28 30.05.2006 Олимпиада (Фэйр Винд, Улус Винд, Ulus Wind) 040440 Taganrog (Saint Petersburg, Valletta)
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04 design H-29 26.09.2006 Sea Breeze (Monte Rosa A., Невадо-35, Улус Стрим, Ulus Stream) 040455 Malakal Harbour (Giurgiulesti, Taganrog, Valletta)
Stoc Marcia type 32 11.08.2007 Маринстраум (Dumankaya, RN Magellan, РН Магеллан, Burak Bey, Habip Amca) 09158G Murmansk (İstanbul)
Ferry (Ro-Pax) 41 15.11.2007 Suhulet (Ceksan 41) G-1376 İstanbul
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04/ALB02 design HB-33 31.01.2008 Gelmond 2 (Гелиус 2, Gelius 2) Charlestown (Taganrog)
Caspian Express type, 003RSD04/ALB02 design NB-34 07.05.2008 Gelmond 3 (Gelius 3, Гелиус 3) 060340 Charlestown (Taganrog, Basseterre)
Ferry (Ro-Pax) 42 17.01.2008 Sahilbent (Ido Double Ended Feryboat 2) G-1377 İstanbul
Ferry (Ro-Pax) 43 17.04.2008 Sultanahmet (Ido Double Ended Feryboat 3) G-1378 İstanbul
Ferry (Ro-Pax) 44 18.06.2008 Sadabat G-1379 İstanbul
Habip Bayrak type 37 22.02.2010 Habip Bayrak 11832N Valletta (Majuro, İstanbul)
Ferry (no beds) 60 08.2015 Hasan Tahsin Izmir
Emiralp type 70 28.06.2018 Emiralp 32927S Majuro
Emiralp type 71 02.01.2019 Mina Deniz 33660P Majuro
Emiralp type 73 06.01.2021 Ivyan Valletta ((Turkey))
Emiralp type 80 31.10.2022 Basaran Bayrak 39683L Valletta
Tankers 82 02.2024 Apatyth (Atalay) Limassol ((none))

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Comments · 1

19.08.2024 05:16 MSK
RonHalliday · Rochester
Photos: 30
An Addition to Ceksan.
Built as HACI HABIB BAYRAK. Str No.17.
Flag. Russia.
Call Sign. UANA7.
mmsi. 232250360.
Ops Area Sankt Peterburg.
Length/Beam. 99.90 x 15.00.

+0 / –0

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