
De Hoop Foxhol

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City: Foxhol  


Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
General cargo 240 29.08.1977 Solvita (Solway Fisher, Rockpoint, Arklow Valley, Procyon) Kingstown ((Great Britain), (none), Dublin, Rotterdam)
Local River 353 1992 Jan von Werth (Graaf van Bylant) Valletta (Cologne, Tolkamer)
Combi Trader design 322 01.10.1995 Carlow (Altar, Alta Mar, Senator, Haaksgat) Panama (Avatiu, Gibraltar, Madeira, Kingstown, (none))
Combi Trader design 328 01.03.1997 Multimar (Transrisoluto, Risoluto, Thamesis) 93081 Limassol (Gibraltar, Saint John's, Duisburg)
Combi Trader 5750 design 507 07.03.2002 ICS Oceanus (Sider Marleen) Nassau (Madeira, Naples)
Combi Trader 5750 design 521 28.05.2003 Nina (Monte, Sider Montediprocida, Ile De Yeu) Limassol (Saint John's, Rostock, London, Naples, (none))
Combi Trader 5750 design 564 22.03.2004 Emma (Joy, Sider Joy, Ile De Elba) Limassol (Saint John's, London, Naples, (none))
Речные круизные и пассажирские 428 2009 Amadeus Diamond Passau
Nauryzbay Batyr type 485 18.05.2018 Пётр Негодов (Богатырь, Nauryzbay Batyr) 33805W Astrakhan (Aktau)
Nauryzbay Batyr type 486 30.05.2018 Магомед Гаджиев (Витязь, Otegen Batyr) 33806X Astrakhan (Aktau)

Vellels being assembled by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Damen Combi Feeder 800 design 1039 / 845 31.03.2005 Vohburg (JSV Yaiza, Geestdijk) G110865 Saint John's (Limassol)

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