
Workman, Clark and Company

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City: Belfast  

Основана в 1880г.
В 1895г. была 4-й крупнейшей судоверфью Великобритании
Закрыта в 1935г.

Vessels being built by this facility

DesignYard NrBuiltNameReg.NrPort
Барк 38 07.12.1885 Polly Woodside (Rona) Melbourne ((New Zealand), (Great Britain))
Passenger and cargo-passenger steamers 46 1887 Новик (Russian Empire)
Барк 17.10.1892 Товарищ (Лауристон, Lauriston) German Navy (Odessa, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Petrograd, (USSR), (Russian Empire), Liverpool)
Passenger and cargo-passenger steamers 133 06.1897 City of Sparta Glasgow
Passenger and cargo-passenger steamers 334 11.1914 Нева (Essequibo) USSR Navy (Leningrad, Belfast)
Сухогрузные пароходы 447 14.05.1920 Ангел Кънчев (Кронштадт, Kronoborg, Tower Dale, Port Curtis) Varna (Vladivostok, Leningrad, Uusikaupunki, London)

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